Monika and Co. [Quadra Cortes Island Family Portrait Photography]

So glad we managed to find the time to take this family shoot with Monika and her children. We gathered at their stonewall home on Cortes Island in May 2013.  The property has a myriad of  barns, sheds, coops and unidentifiable outbuildings.  Perfect setting for portrait photography.  The subject matter was perfect, too.  This family is uncommonly photogenic and engaging.  So easy when the everyone down to the smallest child is so cheerfully willing to participate, cooperate and flit playfully about their charming domain as we click away.  Even the ducks and chickens were into it, it seemed.  Big thanks to Monika, Marie Soleil, Felix, Dominique, Pascal, and little Rose.


Shaeah Love [Quadra Cortes Island Portrait Photography]


Corey & Becca's Engagement Session [Campbell River Engagement Portraits ]