Wedding Photograpy Vancouver Island

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Lakehouse School Photography Class (Cortes Island Portrait Photography)

darshan-photography_0012Some of the girls at Lakehouse (a homeschool group on Cortes Island) asked us to come by for a couple of hours and teach a basic photography class.  Those that had cameras got brief lessons in portraiture, lighting and framing the subject, while three of the younger girls, Aislin, Asha and Laara, chose to be our models.  It was a wickedly cold morning but the models were very keen on wearing their colourful but not quite warm enough outfits.  This led to the somewhat necessary and rather effective employment of many cuddled up and bundled poses, as you will see.  The photographers in the class took some really beautiful photos.  We were impressed with their knowledge of the workings of their cameras and their keenness.  These photos are the ones we took while demonstrating the techniques.darshan-photography_0001darshan-photography_0007darshan-photography_0002darshan-photography_0014darshan-photography_0009darshan-photography_0016darshan-photography_0008darshan-photography_0006darshan-photography_0017darshan-photography_0013darshan-photography_0003darshan-photography_0005darshan-photography_0004