Wedding Photograpy Vancouver Island

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David & Samantha [Sooke Wedding Photography]

Oysters, fortune cookies and cigars, shiny silver shoes and dancing on the bed…… Samantha and David were married in Sooke, at Samantha’s parent’s house. The house was full of beautiful art, and was such a beautifully constructed home it was a work of art in itself. Samantha’s entire family has a keen eye for beautiful décor – which makes for a happy photographer.The ceremony took place on the deck of the home overlooking the ocean. Sam insisted she wanted to keep the photos candid and casual, but David and I coerced her into a five-minute photoshoot after the ceremony. Her beautiful long, black hair makes a striking portrait against her white gown, and the green forest with afternoon sun shining through the tree’s made for a perfect backdrop. This was a beautiful wedding, and the guests were a lot of fun. Congratulations and thank you!